According to the most recent studies, medical experts have concluded that loneliness is as dangerous as smoking and obesity. In spite of social media being a big part of our everyday lives, and one of the main sources of human connection we tend to use, loneliness is a major contributing factor to the decline of the nation’s mental and physical well being.

Have you noticed the trend that more and more of your friends and colleagues are being diagnosed with real mental health conditions? Depression and personality disorders are crippling our abilities to feel normal, healthy, and experience an overall sense of sustainable happiness.
We’ve all found ourselves feeling cheated out of real connection and a solid sense of community while using traditional social media forums – because there’s no real exchange of dialogue! Just written statements that we hope will convey enough of our thoughts and feelings; we attempt to have a conversation about accomplishments we’ve made, or political issues we feel strongly about. Often, the dialogue breaks down into arguments, insults, and worse. Everyone leaves the chat upset, and feeling even more disconnected and misunderstood. Soon, we start to avoid those posts, all together, no matter how strongly we feel or what information we have to share – or worse, we start to rely on a bunch of emojis and hashtags that are supposed to offer our friends acknowledgement and support.
Doctors are now warning that our online relationships – based on a superficial modus of community, because of our reliance on the “quick connect” methods – is endangering our health more than trans fats and a pack of smokes could ever do! It’s hard to believe, but peer reviews of these studies are confirming the results. Beyond the science of it, every one of us has felt the emptiness of living our lives through a screen.
But that smartphone doesn’t have to be the instrument of your health’s impending doom! You can use it to connect with real people – actually have a verbal exchange of thoughts and experiences, likes and dislikes – and start creating real relationships! Chatlines and phone dating are easy, and fun, ways to expand your social circle and create events where two people actually meet up and see where their shared hopes, dreams and desires take them! There is a cure for the nation’s newest health threat, and dialing in 24/7 is the quickest way to start improving your life, your health, and your overall vitality!