“When Love Kills” is a riveting tale of unrequited love and the devastation it leaves behind. The movie stars Lil Mama in the role of Falicia Blakely. This film was featured at the 21st annual American Black Film Festival. To learn more about the film, check out our article below. You’ll learn about Lil Mama’s role as Falicia Blakely and the script written by Tasha Smith.
Lil Mama as Falicia Blakely
In When Love Kills, Lil Mama as Falicia has a tragic story to tell. As a teenage mom, Falicia was raised by her mother, a single mother. She fell in love with Lance Gross, a man she abused, and began to prostitution to get the money she needed to support herself. Her relationship with Lance turned ugly when she ended up in jail for committing three murders.
A young exotic dancer, Falicia was forced to make life choices that would either result in a life of crime or commitment to her pimp boyfriend, Dino. She chose the wrong path in order to fulfill her son’s wishes, and she began to rob people and kill people at her partner’s instigation. She worked in nightclubs and bars, and her income was dependent on her dancing skills. In addition to performing at clubs and bars, Falicia had a net worth of between USD 150-250k.
In this gripping drama, Niatia ‘Lil Mama’ Kirkland plays the role of a teen mother who is lured into a life of crime after meeting Dino. She was a former exotic dancer who had worked long hours in a bar to support herself and her son. Her boyfriend, Michael Berry, encouraged her to take the plunge. They later met and fell in love, but this didn’t end well.
Tasha Smith’s script
“When Love Kills” is a gripping story, well-written and acted. The film is a testament to the human spirit. The script by Tasha Smith, a prolific actress, showcases the director’s talents. It features several outstanding performances by Tasha Smith, Lil Mama and Tami Roman, as well as some great acting. However, it’s important to remember that “When Love Kills” is not just another true-crime story.
“When Love Kills” is directed by Tasha Smith and stars Lil Mama, Lance Gross, Tami Roman, and NiaTia “Lil Mama” Kirkland. Lil Mama and Floyd Mayweather also star. The drama tells the true story of Falicia Blakely, a young girl who falls in love with a man, only to have him killed by her mother.
When Love Kills: The Falicia Blakely Story will premiere on TV One on August 28. The drama is based on the popular episode of “For My Man.” The story is a true-life tale about a teen mom in Atlanta who was forced to become a stripper and a prostitution model by a man she believed to love her. The teen mom went on to commit robbery and stripping as a result of her newfound love.
The 21st American Black Film Festival
This year’s American Black Film Festival hosted eight thousand and fifty black attendees in South Beach, Florida. In addition to films, the festival included master classes, boot camps, expert panels, live performances, and intimate talks with film industry insiders. A new award for best first feature will be introduced this year. This year’s fest will spotlight the best of independent Black cinema. A record number of women directors and first-time filmmakers will be showcased, too.
TV One will return to Miami for the 21st American Black Film Festival, where it will announce the winner of the third annual ABFF TV One Screenplay Competition and host a Celebrity Scene Stealer event in partnership with Cadillac. In addition, TV One will premiere two original films, Downsized (written by 2016 ABFF TV One Screenplay Competition finalist Michelle McKissick) and When Love Kills: The Falicia Blakely Story, directed by Tasha Smith.
Another new feature at The 21st American Black Film Festival is “When Liberty Burns,” a documentary about the life of a black insurance executive in Miami. His death at the hands of Miami police officers is a tragic reminder of the importance of family. In the film, two generations of Black men struggle to balance their lives while raising a young boy with autism. The acclaimed filmmakers bring new perspectives to the subject matter in this film festival.